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High Quality Artificial Turf

Writer's picture: Amax Synthetic GrassAmax Synthetic Grass

Updated: Oct 22, 2024

Amax is an artificial lawn company with a great range of high quality artificial turf Our artificial lawn company can provide you with very realistic and high quality artificial turf that will give you a great looking and low maintenance back yard! The synthetic grass will enable you to have all of the benefits of a grassy yard, with none of the drawbacks.

Looks just like real grass

Our grass is so realistic you’ll need to get on the ground to tell the difference High quality artificial turf from Amax can look almost identical to real grass, with the benefit that you don’t need to water or mow it. Installing it with the help of our artificial lawn company gives you a surface that looks great and that kids and pets can play on without the danger of falling onto a hard surface.

High quality artificial turf is a low maintenance surface

Our artificial lawn company provides grass that is very easy to take care of Real grass can be a pain to take care of, and getting it wrong can lead to your lawn looking horrific. The grass will turn brown and die if it isn’t watered enough, your back yard will flood if you water it too much and if you don’t have time to mow regularly it will very quickly start to look wild and unkempt. A real lawn also needs to be weeded regularly if you want to keep the grass healthy and avoid unwanted pests. Weeds can spread very quickly in suburban Sydney, so you need to be vigilant. They also grow fast and steal nutrients from your lawn, and using a herbicide to kill them will harm the grass around the weeds as well. Additionally, you will probably also need to use fertiliser on your grass – and this can also encourage weed growth, as well as smelling awful. Insects also like grass lawns, as they can burrow into the earth and eat the grass. It takes pesticides to get rid of them, but they can be toxic to you, your children and your pets. The key benefit of Amax’s high quality artificial turf is that you avoid all of these problems while keeping the good parts of having a lawn. Our synthetic grass will stay that attractive green colour for a long time with very minimal upkeep – all you need to do is hose it down if it gets dirty. It also provides a great surface for kids and dogs to play and run around on.

Many options from our artificial lawn company

We provide a huge range of high quality artificial turf options As an artificial lawn company, we can provide you with options for different kinds of fake turf, depending on what you will be using it for. We have super-realistic looking fake grass for decoration, or putt-putt golf style turf that is better for kids to run around on – or you could even have your own putting course. There are also options in between. You can use high quality artificial turf as a replacement for your lawn, but also for other kinds of decoration. Since there doesn’t need be turf underneath or a water filtering system, you can have it on your balcony to add some colour and bring in a more relaxed vibe. It will also help to reduce the suns glare in summer. You can also use it to cover the ground in a rooftop garden. If you have a flat roof such as the top of an apartment building then it can be very pretty (as well as relaxing) to have some pot plants around the place so people can sit. The only problem is the concrete roof itself, which will be quite glary and not very attractive. Not many roofs can support the weight of enough dirt to have real grass, and this would cause drainage problems anyway. You can solve your problem with Amax’s high quality artificial turf, which will soften the concrete surface as well as break up the sunlight hitting it. It will also be far more attractive in your garden setting, so that you can entertain friends up on the roof on a lazy summer afternoon with a few drinks while they admire the work of your artificial lawn company.

Synthetic grass is very durable and versatile

Our high quality artificial turf is both long lasting and meets all kinds of needs Sydney as a region is also drought-prone, despite getting quite a lot of annual rainfall. This is because the rain is so unpredictable. Because we frequently have long dry spells, you need to water a grass yard – but when water restrictions come into force, you can’t. Getting help from our artificial lawn company means that you will have a green back yard even when Sydney is going through a dry spell. High quality artificial turf has a number of other benefits for people with kids, dogs or swimming pools. The turf wears out far less than grass does from children running around and playing, so you won’t end up with tracks worn into your yard by kids running around. It is also a much softer surface to fall onto than concrete, so they can be a bit more adventurous. If you have a dog then any dirt area is liable to be dug up. Dogs like to dig, and to bury things, so a real lawn can quickly end up full of holes and covered in patches of dirt. Getting our artificial lawn company to cover your yard will mean that the dog still has a place to run around and play, but it won’t get dirt everywhere. You can also clean the fake grass very easily with a hose. If you have a swimming pool then getting real grass around the edges of it is a disaster waiting to happen, as your pool will quickly fill with dirt. On the other hand, bare concrete or stone is a very hard surface, particularly if you have children running around. It will also wear away. High quality artificial turf is a great solution to these problems, as there is no real dirt involved and it will soften the fall for children, as well as looking more attractive. The fake turf will also protect the concrete around your pool from sun bleaching and erosion, which will happen over time otherwise. So there you go; our artificial lawn company has the perfect solution to your problems when you are considering what to do about grass in your yard – or balcony or roof! It is low maintenance, versatile and brings a number of benefits, in addition to looking just like real grass.



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