Artificial grass is widely used nowadays for landscaping purposes: Residential including backyards, roof, concrete,balcony, around the pool and etc; Commercial including schools, child care centers, aged care centers, churches, public areas, exhibitions, supermarkets and etc.
Residential Turf
More and more homes in Australia are enjoying the benefits from installing artificial turf. With its outstanding advantages, synthetic grass has become the first choice for residential landscaping. Low maintenance, water saving, time saving, exceptional appearance, softness,durability and many more reasons bring artificial turf to hundreds of thousands of households. It can also be used where natural grass won't grow. Synthetic grass has a lot of potential to give you property great value.

Commercial Turf
There is no reason that synthetic grass is not to be used across commercial places. Artificial grass is loved by child care centers and schools where safer environment has been provided using fake grass than natural grass. Artificial turf can protect kids from injuries by supplying smooth and even surface and rubberized underlay used to lessen the impact from falls. Our synthetic grass is the ideal solution for exhibitions and events. Venues are easily decorated with artificial turf from outdoor to indoor displays. Artificial grass is also popular among supermarkets for their shelf displays due to its healthy neat and tidy looking.